The Chapters of My Life

lame nyer nak update the last day kan..hiks…bz uols..(padahal takder internet connection kt hostel…hiks…)…

kejap jerk dah last day kan… kitorang tak tau la nak wat aper..plan nak naik boat gi round2 pulau…tapi tak jadik coz of safety la..nanti my cousins yang kecik2 tuh susah plak kan..nak naik2 boat tuh… kalo tak lehh go for eagle feefing and stuff… dulu pernah laa pegi…it was fun…..hiks..u should try it…we went for breakfast dekat area MARA ke aper tah…dkt kuah town lagik..hohoh..but the food was awesome….. snaagt best..the fish curry was great…..huh.. it’s like brunch laa jugak… besttt… the best thing about traveling is u can eat great food and u can eat all u want..hiihihh…then bye bye to your diet la kan…..after we had our brunch…kitorang nak try gi cable car balik… nak naik jugak kan…. hiiihh…. but on the way to cable car tuh..we stopped dkt galeria perdana… Tun Mahathir‘s gallery la… it’s all about him…i adore him so much….. he’s a great leader to our country and no one can replace him…..i love u so much laa Tun…

this is my cousin….danish hakimi… over kan?? dua beradik same jer over….. so parents dier lagik laa kan..(hikss…larrikkk…)

my mom and me inside the gallery…

so…inside the gallery have all the stuff such as awards and gifts from the companies ker or from other countries ke..ader macam2..everything are kept inside this gallery…. so it’s pretty amazing la…but quite borring pon ader gak… coz brape kali laaa i menguap kan..hikss….


tanak kalah jugak okk…

after the gallery….we all went to the cable car AGAIN….try our luck… hope the weather is ok.. and eventually the weather was ok..not so windy…but the fog was soooo thick..eish..tak nampak haper pon kt atas tuh….cam journey to heaven pon ader gak..hiks…

sangat berkabus kan??? rumput sehelai pon tak nampak..hiks

me and my uncle…motiff kan nak silang2 tangan?? hiks..

urghh…kinda borring laa up there…. coz we couldnt see anything from the top…. and nak bernafas pun susah…sesak jerk…the fog sangat tebal..heish… jambatan gantung pon tak dpt naik coz closed….damnnn sangat kan…. the we rushed back to our apartment..freshen up… then headed to the airport coz our flight was at 6.35pm camtuh… dah banyak kali pegi langkawi….but everytime pegi….mestia der changes…baguusss…. camtuh laa nak attract tourist kan…kalo tak…takder maknenyer org nak datang… come come…VISIT MALAYSIA!!! cuti-cuti malaaaaaysiiaaaaa…

et cetera