The Chapters of My Life

{July 2, 2008}   Sepi

Sepi tajuk nyer….sadis sangat kan???hiks… fyi…there’s a malay movie called sepi and it’s in cinema now… for those who always “sepi” kan..u should watch it… lots of lesson that u can getf rom the movie…. the concept is almost the same as Cinta …different stories which u will see they are related to each other at the end…. what i like about sepi is the songs…niiceeeeee…. as for in sepi mode kan…yer laaa afdlin a.k.a adam dalam citer tuh….sedeyy tauuu….hiks…(keji tau nak emo2)…so currently im listening to this song called sepi by yuni shara… u guys should listen to this song…. BEST sangat and SEDIH sangat…(bunyi cam org yg sangat loser and pathetic kan..opss..hhuhu)…anyways…. to those who are still single out there….. hold on yer…. there’s always someone for you out there….. u just need to search for him/her….. yer laaa if you’re just hopping that love will come to you without doing anything….memang tak kawin la ko sampai tua kan…… if u failed in ur 1st love…failed katenyeee..ingat exam ke….. there’s always second people always say..there’s always a second chance kan… same goes to love… isnt it??entahlaa…when talking about love…it will be so complicated…. but one thing that i learned from the story….. if you really sure that you have found the right one…..don’t you ever let him/her go…. or you’ll regret it…or you’ll have to wait for him/her to come back til u get older and older and older then die as andartu or bujang terlajak.…waaaa..taaamaauuu….hiks…nk jadik cam hot mama nie….she has a happy family…skee jer tgk kan…well…true love isn’t always easy…it’s true…coz im experiencing it myself…sigh…… u have to fight for it if u dont want to lose your true love so that u can spend the rest of ur life with someone u really love that understands you,cares for you and the most important thing loves you…  hold on yah… you’ll get there sooner or later….u just need to be patient and have to strive for it………good luck!! 🙂

(credit to

read the poem…sedey kan?? hiks…. is movie day…so im going out to watch movie back to back….hhiihih…mati la pitam lam cinema tgk byk sgt movie kan….but it’s ok….leh elak “sepi”…..kalo tak kene cakap dgn bulan….nangeesss….:)

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